100 Patterns For Success Officially Released

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Published April 20, 2017 by Bill Keck.

100 Patterns For Success Officially Released

I’m proud to announce the release of my latest book, 100 Patterns For Success.

One day I was listening to the Laravel podcast, and they were talking about books on success, like “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, and how it didn’t leave the best impression with them.

I thought about the disconnect that many books on success have with the tech community, which is in large part because these books are not written by programmers.

The story of someone else’s success and their opinions is not really all that useful.  Why would we care about how someone built Block Buster Video out of a trash business, which is what Wayne Huizenga did?  Do we really care what Robert Kiyosai’s opinion on the psychology of success is?  Is it important that we know that Richard Branson’s dad threw him in a river when he was a boy to teach him how to swim?  Yes, that made him tough at an early age, it’s an interesting tidbit, but how does that help you?

Well, truth be told, there are valuable lessons in all those books.  I’ve read many of them and I don’t want to leave the impression that I don’t like them because I do.

But on the other hand, I can see why programmers might not like them.  For one thing, the average programmer is not an average person.  They are a little brighter to begin with, and in many cases are smarter than those older generations of people who made it big.

Programmers are more inspired by how things work, not how much money you stuffed in the bank.  We’re more interested in adopting useful workflow patterns and inventing things, than we are in psychological coaching.

So I stepped up to the plate to see if I could combine the two concepts.  I defined 110 patterns that you can adopt into your behavior that will point you toward success.  I know the title has 100 in it, but I added 10 more as a bonus.

I developed the patterns in a very open way, so that you can build your own system of thinking from it.  You can keep or discard the patterns as you like.  You can be inspired or disagree, but at any rate, you will be stimulated and exposed to new ideas and new ways of looking at things.

I recruited a lot of tech billionaires, rock star CEOs (and one actual rock star), and many others to lend their voice to the concepts.  The book contains many quotes from Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and many others.

We also look at brief case studies of Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Uber, Slack and many others.  We provide valuable insights into how some of these startups stack the odds of success in their favor before they even get started.

This book would be a benefit to any programmer who is even remotely considering starting their own venture.   As I point out the numerous times in the book, I believe that programmers are the ones who should be running companies.

Thank you for continuing to support my work.  If you do purchase the book, I have one small request, and that is that you rate and/or review the book at GoodReads.com.

Recommending this book to friends is a nice way to say thanks, I would really appreciate that as well.  Thanks again.


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